Montie: Poppy! Blu! Do you know that there
is a chest?
Poppy and Blu: What is inside of it?
Montie: It is your memory book.
It has all of your memories in it.
Montie: Let's sit down and look at your
Montie: Remember the day when you
got your first issue of a car catalog
called AutoFocus Detroit
before you got the Dodge Ram?
We had a Focus Station Wagon.
Poppy: Yes, I do!
Montie: Remember when you and your
friends got the Dodge Ram
from Smiley and drove it back home?
Poppy: Yes! But where is Duke?
Montie: Duke was sick.
Montie: Remember when you played with
the inflatable snowman outside?
Montie: I've added a new memory.
It is when you met an Arctic Wolf named Daredevil
Cutepaw. She was cool, wasn't she?
Poppy: She was cool!
Montie: That was some of your memories.
I will show you some more memories
next Saturday!
kewl memories